For safety sake, and given that I was not too keen at pointing my loaded gun at my camera or my head, which was directly behind the camera, I built this picture using two different photographs. I could have done all of this with in one take but I wanted to demonstrate to people to always treat a loaded gun with respect. To achieve this shot I took a single photograph of the unloaded gun (empty mag & barrel) and then removed the barrel from the gun and placed in one round (Hornaday - 45 Auto 185 gr FTX Critical Defense) and took a separate photo of just the barrel with the round. For consistent lighting in both shots I used the same colored gels for my Speedlites and utilized an LED light to better illuminate the single round down the barrel; see the next photo in the series. The two photos were then combined in Photoshop. I really thought the red, white, and blue highlights complimented the scene!